What are the DMAIC tools

Guide: DMAIC Tools

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Author: Daniel Croft

Daniel Croft is an experienced continuous improvement manager with a Lean Six Sigma Black Belt and a Bachelor's degree in Business Management. With more than ten years of experience applying his skills across various industries, Daniel specializes in optimizing processes and improving efficiency. His approach combines practical experience with a deep understanding of business fundamentals to drive meaningful change.

Guide: DMAIC Tools

Process improvement requires a structured, systematic approach to ensure success. DMAIC, standing for Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control, offers such a framework, integral to Six Sigma and widely applicable across various industries for enhancing operational efficiency and quality. This guide delves into the DMAIC methodology, explaining the tools and strategies pertinent to each phase. From initial problem identification to the sustainable implementation of solutions, the following sections will guide you through the path to achieving measurable, lasting improvements in your organization’s processes.

What is DMAIC?

The DMAIC methodology is a data-driven quality strategy used to improve processes. It is an integral part of Six Sigma but is also used independently in process improvement efforts. DMAIC stands for Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control. Each phase has specific objectives and tools designed to achieve these objectives. This guide will explore the tools used at each stage of the DMAIC process to provide a clear understanding of how to effectively implement process improvements.

The five phases of DMAIC

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Define Phase in DMAIC

The Define phase is the foundational pillar in the DMAIC methodology, setting the basis for all subsequent efforts in process improvement. This phase is important for aligning the project with business objectives and customer expectations. Let’s go deeper into the objective of the Define phase and examine the tools used to achieve its goals.


The objective of the Define phase is to establish a clear, comprehensive understanding of the project at hand. This involves identifying the specific problem or opportunity for improvement, understanding the needs and expectations of customers, and setting achievable goals that align with both customer expectations and business objectives. The Define phase ensures that the project team, stakeholders, and anyone else involved have a shared understanding of what the project aims to accomplish, thereby setting a clear direction for all subsequent phases of the DMAIC process.


To achieve the objectives laid out in the Define phase, several key tools are employed, each serving a specific purpose in laying the groundwork for successful project execution:

Project Charter

The Project Charter is akin to a project’s constitution. It is a document that formally outlines the project’s scope, objectives, and participants. The charter serves multiple purposes: it provides a high-level overview of the project for stakeholders, it acts as a contract between the project team and the organization’s leadership, and it serves as a constant reference point for the project’s goals and boundaries. By clearly defining what is in and out of scope, the Project Charter helps prevent project scope creep and ensures that all team members are aligned on the project’s objectives.

Take a look at our Project Charter template to help you get started.

Example project Charter

SIPOC Diagrams

SIPOC Diagrams are a tool used to map out the high-level view of a process, illustrating the Suppliers, Inputs, Process, Outputs, and Customers involved. This visual tool is instrumental in the early stages of a project because it helps the team and stakeholders understand the current state of the process at a glance. By identifying these key components, SIPOC diagrams facilitate a common understanding among all project participants, ensuring that everyone has the same baseline knowledge of the process being improved. This tool is especially useful for identifying critical areas of focus and potential areas where problems may arise.

Example of complete SIPOC

Voice of the Customer (VOC)

Voice of the Customer (VOC) techniques are used to capture and understand customer requirements, needs, and expectations. VOC can be gathered through various means, including surveys, interviews, focus groups, and feedback forms. The essence of VOC is to ensure that the project’s objectives are closely aligned with what the customers value most. It is a critical component in defining the problem because it shifts the perspective from internal process metrics to customer impact. Understanding the VOC helps the project team prioritize improvements based on what will have the most significant effect on customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Process map of the voice of the customer

Process map of the voice of the customer

Measure Phase in DMAIC

The Measure phase is a critical step in the DMAIC process that builds directly on the foundation established in the Define phase. It transitions the project from the conceptual understanding of problems and requirements to a quantitative analysis of the current process. This phase is where data takes center stage, offering insights into the process’s performance and laying the groundwork for targeted improvements. Let’s explore the objective of the Measure phase and the key tools used to achieve its goals.


The primary objective of the Measure phase is to accurately quantify the current state of the process being improved. This involves collecting data on key performance indicators (KPIs) to establish a baseline measurement. The aim is to measure the extent of the problem identified during the Define phase, using data to understand the current process capability. This quantitative understanding is crucial for identifying the gap between the current process performance and the desired state, setting the stage for focused analysis and improvement in subsequent phases. It ensures that any decisions made are data-driven and grounded in the reality of the process’s current state.


To achieve the objectives of the Measure phase, several specific tools are utilized, each facilitating a different aspect of the data collection and analysis process:

Data Collection Tools

Data collection tools such as check sheets, data capture forms, and software tools are essential for gathering accurate and relevant data efficiently. Check sheets are simple yet powerful tools for collecting data on the frequency of specific events or problems. Data capture forms are designed to gather more detailed information in a structured format, ensuring consistency and accuracy in data collection. Software tools can automate data collection processes, providing real-time data capture and storage capabilities. These tools are the backbone of the Measure phase, ensuring that the data collected is reliable, relevant, and sufficient for analysis.

Process Mapping

While SIPOC diagrams provide a high-level overview, detailed process mapping dives deeper into each step of the process. This tool visually represents every action, decision, and delay in the process, offering a comprehensive view of the current state. Detailed process maps are invaluable for identifying variations, inefficiencies, and bottlenecks within the process. They serve as a visual aid that enhances understanding among team members and stakeholders, facilitating a more targeted and effective approach to data collection and analysis.

Basic flow chart or Process map

Detailed sub process map

Statistical Software

Statistical software tools like Minitab, JMP, or R are employed to analyze the data collected. These tools offer powerful capabilities for understanding data patterns, variations, and the process’s initial capability. Through descriptive statistics, process capability analysis, and graphical representations, statistical software helps in identifying trends, outliers, and areas of concern. This analysis provides a quantitative foundation for the Analyze phase, where data-driven insights guide the identification of root causes.

As a free option we have developed some statistical analysis tools in our tools section of the website.



Analyze Phase in DMAIC

The Analyze phase is a critical juncture in the DMAIC methodology, marking the transition from understanding the problem to actively seeking its root causes. This phase is where the gathered data from the Measure phase is scrutinized to uncover the underlying reasons for process deficiencies. Let’s explore the objective of the Analyze phase and the tools that play pivotal roles in achieving its aims.


The primary objective of the Analyze phase is to identify the root causes of defects or inefficiencies within the process. This phase is dedicated to digging beneath the surface of observable symptoms to discover the fundamental reasons for process problems. By accurately identifying the root causes, organizations can ensure that the solutions they implement in the Improve phase are targeted and effective, rather than merely addressing symptoms. The Analyze phase is crucial for ensuring that efforts are focused on changes that will have a meaningful impact on process performance and customer satisfaction.


Several analytical tools are employed during the Analyze phase, each designed to facilitate a deeper understanding of the process problems. These tools help in systematically breaking down the data and issues to uncover the root causes:

Cause-and-Effect Diagrams (Ishikawa or Fishbone)

The Cause-and-Effect Diagram, also known as the Ishikawa or Fishbone diagram, is a visual tool used to systematically explore potential causes of a specific problem. The diagram resembles a fish’s skeleton, with the problem at the head and the potential causes branching off the spine into categories such as Materials, Methods, Machines, People, Environment, and Measurement. This tool is particularly useful for team brainstorming sessions, as it encourages the exploration of all possible sources of variation or defects, categorizing them in a manner that is easy to understand and analyze further.

Fishbone diagram Lean Six SIgma Tool Ishikawa Diagrams Root Cause Analysis (RCA) Fish Bone Diagram Ishikawa Diagram Cause and Effect Diagram

Five Whys

The Five Whys technique is a straightforward but powerful tool for root cause analysis. It involves asking “Why?” repeatedly (typically five times) to peel away the layers of symptoms and get to the core of the problem. Each answer forms the basis of the next “Why?” question. This method is effective because it promotes a deeper investigation into the process issues and helps avoid the trap of addressing superficial symptoms instead of the underlying causes. The simplicity of the Five Whys makes it accessible for teams of all levels of expertise, fostering a culture of inquiry and continuous improvement.

5 Whys Corrective and Preventive Actions Lean Six Sigma Tools Example of a 5 whys analysis bening done on production down time

Hypothesis Testing

Hypothesis Testing is a statistical approach used to determine the likelihood that a given hypothesis about a process or data set is true. This tool is invaluable in the Analyze phase for validating or disproving assumptions made about the root causes of problems. By applying statistical tests, such as t-tests, chi-square tests, or ANOVA, teams can objectively evaluate the evidence for or against potential root causes, based on the data collected. Hypothesis testing helps in making informed decisions about which factors are truly contributing to process variations or defects, ensuring that improvements are data-driven.

hypothesis-testing-risk example

Improve Phase in DMAIC

The Improve phase is a critical stage in the DMAIC methodology, where the insights and root causes identified in the Analyze phase are translated into actionable solutions. The focus shifts from understanding the problem to implementing changes that lead to substantial improvements in process performance. This phase is about innovation, experimentation, and optimization, with the ultimate goal of enhancing quality, efficiency, and customer satisfaction. Let’s delve into the objective of the Improve phase and the strategic tools employed to achieve successful outcomes.


The main objective of the Improve phase is to develop and deploy solutions that address the root causes of deficiencies identified earlier in the DMAIC process. This involves designing innovative changes to the process, testing these changes to ensure they produce the desired outcomes, and then implementing the changes in a way that results in significant performance improvements. The challenge in this phase is not only to find solutions that solve the identified problems but also to ensure that these solutions are sustainable and do not introduce new issues into the process.


A variety of tools and techniques are used in the Improve phase to facilitate effective solution development and implementation:

Pilot Studies

Pilot studies are small-scale experiments or trials conducted to evaluate the feasibility, duration, cost, risk, and adverse effects of an improvement solution before it is rolled out on a larger scale. This approach allows teams to test the impact of changes in a controlled environment, minimizing risk and allowing for adjustments before full implementation. Pilot studies provide valuable insights into how a solution performs in the real world and can help identify potential issues or resistance that may not have been evident during the planning stages.

Design of Experiments (DOE)

Design of Experiments (DOE) is a statistical method that allows teams to systematically and efficiently explore the relationships between multiple input variables and their impact on output variables. This tool is invaluable for optimizing processes because it can identify the combination of factors that lead to the best possible outcome. DOE helps in understanding the interaction between variables, thereby enabling the development of solutions that are robust and optimized for performance. By using DOE, teams can ensure that improvements are based on empirical evidence and statistical rigor, leading to more effective and predictable process enhancements.

Lean Tools

Lean tools, such as 5S (Sort, Set in order, Shine, Standardize, Sustain), Kanban (visual signal or card), and Value Stream Mapping (VSM), are employed to streamline processes, eliminate waste, and enhance flow. These tools are grounded in the principles of Lean management, which focuses on maximizing value for the customer while minimizing waste. 5S is used to create organized workspaces that improve efficiency and quality. Kanban helps in managing workflow and inventory with visual cues, ensuring that work progresses smoothly without bottlenecks. Value Stream Mapping is a tool for visualizing the flow of materials and information as a product or service makes its way through the value stream, highlighting areas of waste and opportunities for improvement. By applying these Lean tools, teams can make significant strides in improving process performance, reducing cycle times, and increasing customer satisfaction.

The five Steps of 5S

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Control Phase in DMAIC

The Control phase is the final, yet perpetually critical phase of the DMAIC methodology. It is where the improvements made in the previous phases are solidified into the standard operating procedure, ensuring the longevity and sustainability of these gains. The primary focus shifts to monitoring and controlling the process to prevent regression, maintaining the enhanced performance levels over time. Let’s delve into the objective of the Control phase and examine the tools that are essential for its successful execution.


The main objective of the Control phase is to ensure that the improvements and changes implemented during the Improve phase are maintained and that the process does not revert to its previous state. This phase is about embedding the new practices into the daily operations of the organization, ensuring that the process continues to operate at its new, improved level of performance. It involves close monitoring of the process to quickly identify and correct any deviations from the target performance. The Control phase is critical for realizing the long-term benefits of the DMAIC project, making the improvements truly sustainable.


To achieve the objective of the Control phase, several key tools are employed, each designed to facilitate effective monitoring, controlling, and documentation of process performance:

Statistical Process Control (SPC)

Statistical Process Control (SPC) is a method of using statistical tools and control charts to monitor and control a process. SPC charts are invaluable for identifying when a process is behaving as expected or when it has deviated from set parameters, signaling the need for intervention. These charts can monitor various aspects of process performance, such as mean, range, and defects, providing real-time data that helps in maintaining process stability. SPC is a cornerstone of the Control phase, enabling ongoing oversight of the process and ensuring that improvements are sustained over time.

Control Plans

Control Plans are comprehensive documents that outline the specific practices, metrics, and processes that need to be followed to maintain the improvements achieved. They detail the control points, specifications, and monitoring activities required to ensure that the process remains under control. Control Plans serve as a blueprint for process management post-improvement, guiding the daily activities of process operators and ensuring that everyone involved is aware of their roles in maintaining process performance. These plans are dynamic documents that may be updated as processes evolve or as new improvements are made.

Control Plan Template - Learnleansigma

Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)

Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) are updated to reflect the changes made during the Improve phase, ensuring that the new, more efficient processes are clearly documented. These documents provide step-by-step instructions on how to perform process tasks, ensuring consistency and quality in the execution of these tasks. By updating the SOPs, the organization ensures that the process changes are formally communicated to all stakeholders, embedding the improvements into the regular workflow. SOPs are essential for standardization, training new staff, and serving as a reference for process activities, contributing to the sustainability of improvements.

Standard Work Instructions (SWI) Example Excel Template - Free to download

Example of Standard Work Instructions


By systematically applying these tools at each stage of the DMAIC process, organizations can effectively address and solve problems, leading to significant improvements in process quality, efficiency, and customer satisfaction. The key to successful DMAIC implementation is not just in using these tools but in understanding the interconnectivity between phases and how each tool contributes to a holistic improvement strategy.


A: DMAIC stands for Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control. It is a data-driven quality strategy used for improving, optimizing, and stabilizing business processes and designs. DMAIC is important because it provides a structured, systematic approach to problem-solving, which helps organizations identify and address inefficiencies, reduce defects, and improve overall quality, leading to enhanced customer satisfaction and operational excellence.

A: Yes, DMAIC can be applied in various sectors beyond manufacturing, including services, healthcare, finance, and IT. The methodology is versatile and can be adapted to any process or industry where there is a need to improve efficiency, reduce waste, or solve problems related to quality and process performance.

A: The Define phase sets the foundation for a DMAIC project by clearly identifying the problem, project goals, and scope. It involves understanding customer requirements and establishing clear objectives for the improvement effort. This phase ensures that all team members and stakeholders have a shared understanding of the project’s purpose and scope, which is crucial for guiding the project’s direction and focus throughout the subsequent phases.

A: To ensure data reliability and accuracy in the Measure phase, it’s important to define data collection methods and tools clearly, train team members on these methods, and use standardized procedures for data collection. Validating the measurement system itself through techniques like gauge R&R (Repeatability and Reproducibility) can also help ensure that the data collected reflects the true performance of the process being analyzed.

A: The Control phase is critical because it ensures that the improvements made during the Improve phase are sustained over time. Without effective control measures, processes may drift back to their original state, negating the improvements achieved. By implementing tools like SPC charts, Control Plans, and updated SOPs, organizations can monitor process performance, make adjustments as necessary, and embed the improvements into daily operations, ensuring lasting benefits from the DMAIC project.


Picture of Daniel Croft

Daniel Croft

Hi im Daniel continuous improvement manager with a Black Belt in Lean Six Sigma and over 10 years of real-world experience across a range sectors, I have a passion for optimizing processes and creating a culture of efficiency. I wanted to create Learn Lean Siigma to be a platform dedicated to Lean Six Sigma and process improvement insights and provide all the guides, tools, techniques and templates I looked for in one place as someone new to the world of Lean Six Sigma and Continuous improvement.

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