8 Disiplines of Problem Solving (8D)

The 8D Problem Solving methodology is commonly known as “Eight Disciplines of Problem Solving” or simply “8D.” It is a structured, team-based approach to identifying, analyzing, and resolving problems, particularly in the areas of product quality and process efficiency.

What is 8D Problem Solving?

8D Problem Solving is a structured, team-oriented methodology that consists of eight steps—known as the Eight Disciplines—to identify, analyze, and resolve complex problems. Originally formalized by Ford Motor Company, this approach is widely used across various industries for its effectiveness in finding and eliminating the root causes of recurring issues. The methodology emphasizes a data-driven, cross-functional approach and is aimed at not only solving the immediate problem but also implementing systemic changes to prevent future recurrence.


8D Problem-Solving

Helpful 8D Problem Solving Resources

8D Report Template

Free to download 8D report template for conducting 8D Problem solving in a structured way.

8D Problem Solving Guide

Follow our step-by-step guide to learn how to conduct 8D Problem Solving.

8D Knowledge Test

Assess your’s or your teams understanding of 8D Provlem Solving.

When to use 8D Problem Solving

The 8D Problem-Solving Methodology is particularly well-suited for complex issues where the root cause is not immediately apparent and requires a team-based approach for resolution. It is most effective in scenarios where the problem has a significant impact on quality, safety, reliability, or customer satisfaction. Industries like manufacturing, automotive, aerospace, and healthcare often employ 8D to tackle recurring defects, compliance issues, and systemic failures.

The methodology is not intended for quick fixes or problems that can be resolved by an individual. Instead, it is designed for issues that need a structured, step-by-step approach to identify, correct, and eliminate the root cause permanently. The 8D process also serves as an excellent tool for cross-functional teams, as it brings together experts from various domains, thereby offering a multi-disciplinary perspective on problem-solving.

One of the key advantages of using 8D is its focus on data-driven decision-making, which aligns well with Lean Six Sigma principles. It’s a methodical approach that demands the collection of data at every stage, right from defining the problem to verifying the effectiveness of corrective actions.

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