What is Gap Analysis

Guide: Gap Analysis

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Author: Daniel Croft

Daniel Croft is an experienced continuous improvement manager with a Lean Six Sigma Black Belt and a Bachelor's degree in Business Management. With more than ten years of experience applying his skills across various industries, Daniel specializes in optimizing processes and improving efficiency. His approach combines practical experience with a deep understanding of business fundamentals to drive meaningful change.

Guide: Gap Analysis

Gap analysis is an analytical tool that organizations across various industries use to refine their strategic planning and operational effectiveness. At its core, gap analysis facilitates a meticulous comparison between an organization’s current state and its defined future state, highlighting the disparities—or “gaps”—that must be addressed to achieve set objectives.

This process unfolds through a sequence of steps, from setting clear objectives to implementing targeted strategies designed to bridge the identified gaps. By embarking on a gap analysis, organizations can systematically unearth areas of underperformance or inefficiency, laying the groundwork for substantial improvement initiatives. This exploration delves into the essence of gap analysis and its pivotal role in fostering organizational growth and development.

What is Gap Analysis

Gap analysis is a fundamental analytical tool for organizations across various industries, aiming to enhance their strategic planning and operational effectiveness. This tool’s essence lies in its ability to facilitate a detailed comparison between an organization’s current state and its desired future state, thus highlighting the disparities, or “gaps,” that need to be addressed to achieve set objectives. The process involves a series of steps, starting from defining clear objectives to implementing targeted strategies to bridge the identified gaps.

Gap Analysis

By engaging in gap analysis, organizations can systematically identify areas of underperformance or inefficiency and develop concrete plans for improvement. Let’s delve deeper into the significance of gap analysis and its critical role in organizational growth and improvement.

What is Gap Analysis Used for?

Identifying Weaknesses and Areas for Improvement

One of the primary advantages of conducting a gap analysis is its ability to unveil specific areas where an organization is lacking. This could relate to various aspects of the business, such as operational processes, financial performance, market competitiveness, or technological capabilities. By benchmarking current performance against desired outcomes, organizations can pinpoint precisely where improvements are needed, allowing them to focus their efforts on these key areas.

Supporting Strategic Planning

Strategic planning is vital for any organization aiming for long-term success and sustainability. Gap analysis contributes significantly to this process by providing a clear framework for understanding the current state of the business in relation to its strategic goals. The insights gained from a gap analysis can highlight critical areas that require strategic intervention, thus guiding the development of actionable strategies that are aligned with achieving the desired future state.

Enhancing Efficiency and Productivity

Efficiency and productivity are central to the operational success of any organization. Through gap analysis, businesses can identify processes or areas where resources (be it time, money, or manpower) are not being utilized optimally. This understanding enables organizations to reallocate resources more effectively, streamline operations, and eliminate inefficiencies, thereby enhancing overall productivity and operational efficiency.

Facilitating Decision Making

Decision-making is inherently challenging, especially in complex organizational settings where the implications are significant. Gap analysis provides a data-driven foundation for making informed decisions by clearly outlining where the organization stands and what it needs to achieve. With a clear understanding of the gaps, decision-makers can prioritize initiatives, allocate resources effectivley, and direct efforts towards activities that have the highest potential for impact.

Steps in Doing a Gap Analysis

The process of conducting a gap analysis is methodical and systematic, designed to help organizations navigate from their current operational state to their desired future state. Each step in the process is critical, building upon the last to ensure a comprehensive understanding of what needs to be done to achieve organizational objectives. Let’s explore each step in detail to understand how they contribute to the successful application of gap analysis.

Step 1: Define Your Objectives

The foundation of a successful gap analysis lies in the clear definition of objectives. These objectives should articulate what the organization aims to achieve in the future. Utilizing the SMART criteria—Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound—ensures that these objectives are not only clear but also actionable and aligned with the broader goals of the organization. This step requires a deep understanding of the organization’s vision, mission, and strategic goals, as well as the external environment in which it operates.

Step 2: Analyze Your Current State

Understanding your current position is essential for identifying the specific areas that need improvement. This step involves a thorough analysis of current performance levels, operational processes, resource allocations, and capabilities. Collecting data and information through methods such as surveys, interviews, financial analysis, and process mapping helps provide a factual and quantifiable overview of where the organization currently stands. This baseline assessment is critical for making informed comparisons later in the process.

Step 3: Identify the Gaps

With a clear picture of both the desired future state (from Step 1) and the current state (from Step 2), the next step is to identify the gaps between these two points. This involves a detailed comparison to pinpoint discrepancies in performance, resource allocation, capabilities, and processes. The identified gaps represent the areas that require attention and improvement to move the organization towards its objectives. This step is crucial for understanding the specific challenges that need to be addressed and forms the basis for the action planning phase.

Step 4: Develop an Action Plan

Identifying gaps is only part of the process; the development of a targeted action plan to bridge these gaps is what translates insights into results. This step involves detailing the specific strategies, actions, and resource allocations needed to address each identified gap. The action plan should outline who is responsible for each action, the timeline for implementation, and the resources required. It is important that the plan is realistic, taking into consideration the organization’s capacity and constraints to ensure that the proposed actions are achievable.

Step 5: Implement and Monitor

The final step in the gap analysis process is the implementation of the action plan, followed by continuous monitoring and adjustment. This involves executing the strategies and actions identified in the previous step and closely tracking progress against predefined metrics and milestones. Monitoring ensures that the organization remains on track to achieve its objectives and allows for adjustments to the plan as necessary based on real-world outcomes and challenges encountered during implementation.

Practical Application of Gap Analysis

Gap analysis serves as a vital strategic management tool, empowering organizations to delineate the disparity between their current performance levels and their aspirational future state. This analytical process is instrumental in pinpointing precise improvement areas, thereby facilitating the strategic planning and allocation of resources necessary to bridge these identified gaps.

The methodology behind conducting a gap analysis encompasses a series of structured steps: defining clear objectives, assessing the present state, identifying the existing gaps, formulating a strategic action plan, and diligently implementing and monitoring this plan. This structured approach underscores the significance of gap analysis in illuminating areas of underperformance, aiding in strategic planning, boosting efficiency and productivity, and enhancing decision-making capabilities.

Applicable across various organizational facets such as business strategy, performance management, process optimization, and technological advancements, gap analysis offers a broad spectrum of benefits. Despite its advantages, organizations may encounter challenges such as accurately defining the desired future state, data collection, achieving stakeholder consensus, and the effective execution and tracking of action plans.


In conclusion, gap analysis stands as a cornerstone for organizations aiming to chart a course from their current operational landscape to a desired future state marked by enhanced performance and strategic achievement. Through a disciplined sequence of steps—including the definition of objectives, the analysis of the current state, gap identification, action plan development, and vigilant implementation and monitoring—organizations unlock the potential to methodically address and surmount the challenges that lie between their present situation and their goals.

The practical application of gap analysis transcends various domains, offering a robust framework for strategic management, performance enhancement, process optimization, and technological advancement. Despite potential challenges such as data collection, stakeholder alignment, and the execution of action plans, the strategic insight and clarity afforded by gap analysis are invaluable. It equips organizations with the tools necessary for informed decision-making, efficient resource allocation, and the pursuit of continuous improvement, ensuring a path toward sustained success and competitiveness in an ever-evolving business environment.



A: Gap analysis is a strategic tool used by organizations to compare their current performance, capabilities, or position with their desired future state. It identifies the “gaps” between the present and the future, enabling the development of specific strategies to bridge these gaps and achieve organizational goals.

A: Gap analysis is important because it helps organizations identify areas of improvement, allocate resources efficiently, enhance operational efficiency, and make informed decisions. It provides a clear framework for understanding where the organization currently stands, where it wants to go, and what it needs to do to get there, thereby supporting strategic planning and execution.

A: The frequency of conducting a gap analysis depends on the organization’s industry, the pace of change within that industry, and the organization’s specific goals and challenges. Generally, it’s recommended to perform a gap analysis annually as part of the strategic planning process, or when significant changes occur in the market, technology, or within the organization itself that could impact its objectives.

A: Yes, gap analysis can be applied to businesses of all sizes, including small businesses. For small businesses, gap analysis can be particularly useful in identifying areas for growth, improving operational efficiencies, and developing competitive strategies with limited resources. It helps small business owners focus their efforts on the most impactful areas to drive their business forward.

A: One of the main challenges in conducting a gap analysis is accurately identifying and defining the desired future state and the metrics for measuring current performance. Other challenges include gathering comprehensive and accurate data, ensuring stakeholder alignment and buy-in, and developing a realistic action plan that addresses the identified gaps effectively. Additionally, organizations may face challenges in implementing the action plan and monitoring progress due to resource constraints or resistance to change.



Picture of Daniel Croft

Daniel Croft

Hi im Daniel continuous improvement manager with a Black Belt in Lean Six Sigma and over 10 years of real-world experience across a range sectors, I have a passion for optimizing processes and creating a culture of efficiency. I wanted to create Learn Lean Siigma to be a platform dedicated to Lean Six Sigma and process improvement insights and provide all the guides, tools, techniques and templates I looked for in one place as someone new to the world of Lean Six Sigma and Continuous improvement.

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