What is Six thinking hats

Guide: Six Thinking Hats

Edward de Bono's Six Thinking Hats method enhances decision-making by using six colored hats embodying different perspectives—factual, emotional, critical, optimistic, creative, organizational. Streamlining communication and fostering comprehensive, balanced solutions, it's effective in group and individual settings.
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Author: Daniel Croft

Daniel Croft is an experienced continuous improvement manager with a Lean Six Sigma Black Belt and a Bachelor's degree in Business Management. With more than ten years of experience applying his skills across various industries, Daniel specializes in optimizing processes and improving efficiency. His approach combines practical experience with a deep understanding of business fundamentals to drive meaningful change.

Guide: Six Thinking Hats

The Six Thinking Hats method, conceptualized by Edward de Bono, offers a framework for enhancing decision-making and problem-solving in both individual and group settings. By adopting six distinct thinking modes, symbolized by colored hats, this method encourages a multifaceted examination of issues.

It not only enables comprehensive understanding by embracing diverse perspectives—emotional, cautious, creative, and more—but also helps streamline communication and reduce conflict in group discussions. This innovative approach, pivoting away from traditional argumentative methods, simplifies complex thought processes and encourages a balanced viewpoint, making it a versatile tool in various contexts like business strategies, educational discussions, and personal decision-making.

What are The Six Thinking Hats

The Six Thinking Hats method, created by Edward de Bono, is a revolutionary approach designed to enhance thinking and decision-making in both group and individual contexts. This method is based on the premise that by considering problems from various angles, one can uncover more innovative and effective solutions than through conventional thinking approaches. The core concept involves metaphorically donning and removing different colored hats, each symbolizing a specific mode of thinking. This symbolic action serves as a cue to adopt a particular perspective, thereby structuring the thought process in a way that is both systematic and imaginative.

The Six Thinking Hats approach offers several benefits:

  1. Encourages Full-Spectrum Thinking: By systematically exploring different perspectives (emotional, cautious, creative, etc.), it ensures a more comprehensive understanding of the problem at hand.
  2. Facilitates Communication: In group settings, it helps in structuring discussions, ensuring that all viewpoints are considered without devolving into chaotic arguments.
  3. Reduces Conflict: By externalizing the thinking process (attributing it to the ‘hat’), it helps reduce personal tensions – opinions are seen as contributions to the process rather than personal positions.
  4. Enhances Decision-Making: By forcing individuals or groups to shift perspectives, it leads to more balanced and thorough decision-making.

The Concept and Purpose of Six Thinking Hats

The underlying concept of the Six Thinking Hats is that the human brain is capable of different modes of thinking, each with its unique strengths and weaknesses. Edward de Bono posited that we could become more effective thinkers by consciously adopting these different modes as needed. This idea counters the traditional argumentative approach to problem-solving, where different viewpoints often lead to conflict rather than constructive solutions.

The primary purposes of the Six Thinking Hats method are:

  1. Simplification of Thought: By breaking down thinking into six clear functions, the method makes it easier for individuals and groups to tackle complex problems without getting overwhelmed.
  2. Focused Thinking: It allows people to concentrate on one aspect of a problem at a time, reducing confusion and helping in deeper exploration of each aspect.
  3. Switching Perspectives: The method facilitates easy transition between different types of thinking, encouraging flexibility and adaptability in thought processes.
  4. Balanced Viewpoint: It ensures that all sides of a problem are considered, leading to more robust and well-rounded solutions.

In practice, the Six Thinking Hats method is highly adaptable and can be applied in various contexts, including business strategy sessions, educational discussions, creative workshops, and personal decision-making. It’s particularly useful in situations where diverse perspectives are essential, or where there’s a risk of getting stuck in a one-dimensional thought process. By fostering a culture of collaborative and multi-dimensional thinking, the Six Thinking Hats method stands as a powerful tool for enhancing creativity, problem-solving, and decision-making in a wide array of settings.

The Six Hats and Their Meanings

Edward de Bono’s Six Thinking Hats method uses different colored hats as metaphors for specific thinking modes. Each hat represents a distinct approach to understanding and solving problems, and they are designed to focus thinking in one direction at a time. Here’s a detailed look at each hat and its intended purpose:

The White Hat: Information and Data

  • Six Thinking Hats-White Hat Focus: This hat emphasizes objectivity and neutrality.
  • Function: When wearing the White Hat, thinkers concentrate exclusively on available data and information. They look at what is known, identify missing information, analyze past trends, and see what can be learned from the facts at hand.
  • Application: It’s particularly useful in the initial stages of decision-making and problem-solving, where gathering and analyzing data is crucial.

The Red Hat: Feelings and Intuition

  • Six Thinking Hats-Red Hat Focus: The Red Hat symbolizes emotions and feelings.
  • Function: It allows a person to put forward feelings, hunches, and intuitions without any need to justify them. Under this hat, emotional responses are given validity, even if they don’t seem logical.
  • Application: This hat is essential for understanding the emotional responses to a particular issue, which might be overlooked in purely logical analysis.

The Black Hat: Caution and Judgement

  • Six Thinking Hats-Black Hat Focus: Caution and critical thinking are the hallmarks of the Black Hat.
  • Function: It’s used for identifying potential negative outcomes, examining why an idea or approach might not work, and assessing risks. This hat encourages critical evaluation, looking for problems and inconsistencies.
  • Application: The Black Hat is valuable for preventing mistakes and making more robust plans by foreseeing challenges.

The Yellow Hat: Optimism and Benefits

  • Six Thinking Hats-Yellow Hat Focus: This hat represents positive thinking and optimism.
  • Function: While wearing the Yellow Hat, the focus is on the positives. It drives people to identify values, benefits, and the feasibility of ideas. It’s about exploring opportunities and looking for what can work.
  • Application: This hat is essential for motivating and maintaining a sense of hope, especially when challenges arise.

The Green Hat: Creativity and Alternatives

  • Six Thinking Hats-Green Hat Focus: Creativity and new ideas are the essence of the Green Hat.
  • Function: This hat encourages thinking outside the box, brainstorming new ideas, and exploring alternatives. It’s about lateral thinking, where the usual ways of thinking are challenged.
  • Application: The Green Hat is crucial for innovation, developing new concepts, and finding solutions that are not immediately obvious.

The Blue Hat: Control and Organization

  • Six Thinking Hats-Blue Hat Focus: Control, organization, and the process of thinking itself.
  • Function: The Blue Hat is about managing the thinking process. It sets the agenda for thinking, organizes the use of the other hats, and ensures that guidelines are followed. It’s also used for summarizing and drawing conclusions.
  • Application: This hat plays a crucial role in ensuring that the thinking process remains focused and productive, and that all other hats are utilized effectively.

Each of these hats serves a unique function, encouraging individuals or groups to switch their way of thinking according to the need of the moment. By compartmentalizing thinking modes, the Six Thinking Hats method facilitates a more organized, thorough, and versatile approach to problem-solving and decision-making.

Implementing the Technique

Individual Use

  • Process: When applied individually, the Six Thinking Hats method serves as a framework for thinking more effectively and making well-rounded decisions. The individual consciously switches between the different hats, focusing on one aspect of thinking at a time. This process can be sequential or based on the specific needs of the problem at hand.

  • Benefits: This methodological switching of hats prevents the common problem of cognitive overload, where multiple lines of thought lead to confusion. It helps in organizing thoughts and considering the problem from various angles. For example, an individual might start with the White Hat to gather information, then switch to the Green Hat for creative solutions, followed by the Black Hat for critical analysis of those solutions.

  • Application: This technique can be particularly useful for personal decision-making, planning, or problem-solving in situations where an individual is working independently, such as in a professional or academic setting.

Group Use

  • Synchronized Thinking: In a group setting, the Six Thinking Hats method can synchronize the thinking process among team members. By having everyone ‘wear’ the same hat at the same time, the group can collectively focus on one aspect of the issue – be it gathering information (White Hat), exploring creative solutions (Green Hat), or identifying potential risks (Black Hat).

  • Diverse Perspectives: Alternatively, group members can wear different hats to ensure that a range of perspectives is considered simultaneously. This can lead to a more dynamic and comprehensive exploration of the issue.

  • Conflict Reduction: A significant advantage of this method in group dynamics is its ability to reduce confrontations. Since the focus is on the ‘hat’ rather than the individual, it depersonalizes criticism and opinion sharing. This approach helps in creating an environment where ideas are scrutinized without offending the contributors.

  • Structured Discussions: The Six Thinking Hats technique provides a clear structure for discussions, making meetings more focused and productive. It can prevent the common pitfalls of group discussions, such as digression or domination by a single perspective.


In conclusion, the Six Thinking Hats method is a dynamic and structured approach to thinking that brings clarity and creativity to decision-making and problem-solving. Each hat, from the data-driven White Hat to the process-focused Blue Hat, plays a unique role in guiding individuals and groups through different thinking styles. The method’s versatility allows for its application in diverse scenarios, ensuring that all aspects of a problem are considered.

By compartmentalizing thought processes, it not only streamlines individual thinking but also enhances group dynamics, fostering a collaborative environment where ideas are examined critically yet constructively. Ultimately, the Six Thinking Hats stand as a testament to the power of structured, multifaceted thinking in navigating complex challenges in various situations.



A: The Six Thinking Hats method is a thinking and problem-solving technique developed by Edward de Bono. It involves using six distinct types of thinking, represented by different colored hats, to explore and analyze issues from multiple perspectives. Each hat—White, Red, Black, Yellow, Green, and Blue—symbolizes a specific mode of thinking, such as factual, emotional, critical, optimistic, creative, and organizational thinking, respectively.

A: The method enhances decision-making by encouraging individuals or groups to look at a problem from different viewpoints. This leads to a more comprehensive understanding of the issue, as it includes factual analysis (White Hat), emotional response (Red Hat), critical assessment (Black Hat), optimistic reasoning (Yellow Hat), creative exploration (Green Hat), and structured process management (Blue Hat). By systematically exploring these perspectives, decisions are more well-rounded and considered.

A: Yes, the Six Thinking Hats is particularly effective in group settings. It can be used by having all members ‘wear’ the same hat simultaneously to focus on one aspect of thinking, or by assigning different hats to different members to ensure a variety of perspectives. This method helps structure discussions, reduces conflict, and encourages collaborative problem-solving.

A: Absolutely. Individuals can use the Six Thinking Hats method for personal decision-making and problem-solving. By consciously switching between the hats, individuals can explore various aspects of a problem one at a time, leading to clearer and more effective thinking. It’s especially useful for organizing thoughts and considering all facets of a complex issue.

A: The Six Thinking Hats method is versatile and can be effective in various scenarios, including business strategy sessions, educational discussions, creative workshops, conflict resolution, and personal decision-making. It’s particularly useful in situations requiring comprehensive analysis, innovative thinking, or collaborative problem-solving. The method has been widely adopted in corporate, educational, and personal settings for its effectiveness in enhancing the quality of thinking and decision-making.


Picture of Daniel Croft

Daniel Croft

Daniel Croft is a seasoned continuous improvement manager with a Black Belt in Lean Six Sigma. With over 10 years of real-world application experience across diverse sectors, Daniel has a passion for optimizing processes and fostering a culture of efficiency. He's not just a practitioner but also an avid learner, constantly seeking to expand his knowledge. Outside of his professional life, Daniel has a keen Investing, statistics and knowledge-sharing, which led him to create the website www.learnleansigma.com, a platform dedicated to Lean Six Sigma and process improvement insights.

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