What is Force Field Analysis

Guide: Force Field Analysis

Force Field Analysis is a decision-making tool used to analyze the forces for and against a change. It helps identify driving and restraining factors, enabling effective strategy development for implementing change.
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Author: Daniel Croft

Daniel Croft is an experienced continuous improvement manager with a Lean Six Sigma Black Belt and a Bachelor's degree in Business Management. With more than ten years of experience applying his skills across various industries, Daniel specializes in optimizing processes and improving efficiency. His approach combines practical experience with a deep understanding of business fundamentals to drive meaningful change.

Guide: Force Field Analysis

Force Field Analysis, developed in the 1940s by Kurt Lewin, stands as a cornerstone in understanding and managing change both organizationally and personally. This strategic tool delves into the dynamics of change, identifying driving and restraining forces that impact change initiatives.

Its core function is to serve as a diagnostic instrument, enabling the development of strategies to bolster driving forces or mitigate restraining ones, thus facilitating efficient and effective change implementation. Notably, its ability to bring structure and clarity to the complexities of change processes marks its significance in diverse change management scenarios.

What is Force Field Analysis

Force Field Analysis is a strategic tool that plays a pivotal role in change management, both within organizations and on a personal level. This technique was developed in the 1940s by Kurt Lewin, a prominent psychologist and a founding figure in social psychology. Lewin’s contribution to this field was substantial, with Force Field Analysis being one of his most influential concepts.

The aim of Force Field Analysis is to facilitate the process of understanding the dynamics of change in various situations. It serves as a diagnostic tool that helps in identifying the different forces that may affect a change initiative. These forces can either be in support of the change (driving forces) or against it (restraining forces). By understanding these forces, an individual or organization can develop strategies to either strengthen the driving forces or weaken the restraining forces, leading to a more efficient and effective implementation of change.


One of the key reasons why Force Field Analysis is so valued is its ability to bring clarity and structure to the often chaotic process of change. Change, by its very nature, can be complex and fraught with challenges. This tool provides a systematic way to approach this complexity, making it easier to manage and navigate.

How to Do a Force Field Analysis

Conducting a Force Field Analysis involves a structured process that allows individuals and organizations to visually map out and understand the forces affecting a change initiative. Here’s a detailed look at each step involved:

Step 1: Identify the Current Situation

The first step in Force Field Analysis is to establish a clear understanding of the current situation. This involves a comprehensive assessment of the status quo – what is happening now, what are the key characteristics of the current state, and why does it need to change. This step sets the stage for the entire analysis and requires a deep and objective understanding of the present circumstances.

Alongside understanding the current situation, it’s also important to define the desired end state or goal. This goal should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). Having a clear vision of the desired outcome helps in identifying which forces will support or hinder this goal.

Step 2: Determining the Driving Forces

Once the current situation and desired state are clearly defined, the next step is to identify the driving forces. These are the forces that are pushing or pulling the situation towards the desired change. They can be internal or external to the organization or individual.

Internal driving forces might include factors like employee motivation, recognition of inefficiencies within existing processes, or a desire for improvement. External driving forces can encompass technological advancements, changes in market trends, competitive pressures, or regulatory changes. Identifying these forces requires looking at both the internal dynamics and the external environment.

Step 2 Force field analysis

Step 3: Identifying the Restraining Forces

Concurrently, it’s essential to identify the forces that are resisting the change – the restraining forces. These forces work against the desired change and can arise from various sources.

Restraining forces might include organizational culture and traditions that are resistant to change, resource limitations (like budget or time constraints), lack of necessary skills or knowledge among staff, market stability, or even psychological factors such as fear of the unknown or resistance to change among employees. Understanding these restraining forces is crucial for developing strategies to overcome or mitigate them.

Step 4: Analyzing and Prioritizing Forces

With all forces identified, the next step is to analyze and prioritize them. This involves assessing each force in terms of its strength and impact on the change initiative. Some forces will have a greater influence on the current situation than others.

This step is critical because it helps in understanding which forces need more attention. It might be found that some restraining forces are too strong and need significant effort to overcome, or some driving forces are so powerful that they can be leveraged more effectively.

Step 4 Force field analysis

Step 5: Developing Strategies

The final step in Force Field Analysis is developing strategies that aim to strengthen the driving forces and weaken or eliminate the restraining forces. This is where the actual planning for change takes place.

For strengthening driving forces, strategies might include enhancing employee engagement, investing in new technologies, or capitalizing on market opportunities. To weaken restraining forces, strategies could involve organizational restructuring, training and development programs, addressing cultural issues, or reallocating resources.

In developing these strategies, it’s important to maintain a balance. Overemphasizing on driving forces without adequately addressing restraining forces can lead to resistance and conflict, while focusing too much on restraining forces can dampen motivation and slow the pace of change.

Applications of Force Field Analysis

Force Field Analysis, with its foundational principle of identifying and assessing forces that affect change, finds application in a variety of areas. Here’s a detailed exploration of its primary applications:

Organizational Change Management

In the context of organizational change, Force Field Analysis is used extensively to understand and manage the dynamics of change within a business. It helps leaders and managers to identify forces that could drive or hinder organizational change, including internal factors like employee attitudes and external factors like market trends. This understanding is crucial for successfully implementing new strategies, processes, or cultural shifts within an organization.

Personal Development and Self-Improvement

On a personal level, Force Field Analysis can be a powerful tool for self-improvement. Individuals can use it to identify personal driving forces (like motivation, goals, aspirations) and restraining forces (such as fear, lack of skills, or external obstacles) that impact their ability to achieve personal goals. By understanding these forces, individuals can develop strategies to enhance positive forces and mitigate negative ones, leading to more effective personal growth and development.

Project Management and Decision-Making

In project management, Force Field Analysis aids in making informed decisions by identifying all the forces affecting a project. Project managers can use this tool to foresee potential risks and obstacles (restraining forces) and harness positive influences (driving forces) like team strengths or resource availability. This holistic view enables more strategic planning and decision-making throughout the project lifecycle.

Problem-Solving in Team and Individual Settings

Force Field Analysis is also an effective tool for problem-solving, both in teams and individual settings. By visually mapping out the forces influencing a particular problem, teams can gain a better understanding of the factors at play. This process not only aids in finding more comprehensive solutions but also fosters a collaborative environment where team members can contribute their perspectives on potential driving and restraining forces.

Advantages and Limitations


  1. Structured Approach: Force Field Analysis offers a clear and systematic way to analyze the factors involved in decision-making, ensuring that all relevant forces are considered.

  2. Comprehensive Analysis: It encourages an in-depth examination of the current situation, taking into account both positive and negative factors, which leads to a more rounded understanding.

  3. Effective Change Management: By identifying and understanding the various forces at play, it becomes easier to develop strategies to manage and implement change effectively.


  1. Subjectivity: The process of identifying and assessing forces can be subjective, leading to biases in the analysis. Personal perceptions and experiences can influence how forces are viewed and prioritized.

  2. Lacks Direct Solutions: Force Field Analysis provides a framework for analysis rather than direct solutions. It identifies what needs to be addressed but doesn’t always offer specific answers.

  3. Risk of Oversimplification: There’s a risk of oversimplifying complex situations, especially when multiple forces interact in complicated ways.


Force Field Analysis offers a structured approach to dissecting and understanding the multifaceted nature of change. Its application spans across organizational change management, personal development, project management, and problem-solving, providing valuable insights for strategic decision-making.

While it excels in offering a systematic way to evaluate factors affecting decisions and change, it also contends with limitations like subjectivity and the potential for oversimplification. Nonetheless, its comprehensive perspective in assessing both positive and negative elements makes it an indispensable tool for effective change management, underlining its enduring relevance and utility.


A: Force Field Analysis is a strategic tool developed by Kurt Lewin in the 1940s. It’s used to identify and understand the forces that influence a particular situation or change initiative. The analysis involves identifying both driving forces that promote change and restraining forces that hinder it, allowing for the development of strategies to enhance or mitigate these forces, thereby facilitating more effective change management.

A: In organizational change, Force Field Analysis helps leaders and managers to understand the factors that support or resist a change initiative. By identifying these forces, organizations can develop targeted strategies to strengthen positive drivers of change (like employee engagement or market opportunities) and address or reduce barriers (such as resistance to change or resource limitations). This process aids in smoother and more successful implementation of organizational changes.

A: Yes, Force Field Analysis can be effectively applied to personal development. Individuals can use it to identify personal driving forces (like motivation and aspirations) and restraining forces (such as fear and skill gaps) that impact their personal growth and goal achievement. Understanding these forces enables individuals to devise strategies to enhance positive influences and overcome personal barriers, leading to more effective personal development.

A: The main steps in conducting a Force Field Analysis include: 1) Identifying the current situation and desired outcome, 2) Determining the driving forces that support the change, 3) Identifying the restraining forces that oppose the change, 4) Analyzing and prioritizing these forces based on their impact, and 5) Developing strategies to strengthen driving forces and weaken or eliminate restraining forces, thus facilitating the desired change.

A: Some limitations of Force Field Analysis include its subjective nature, as the identification and assessment of forces can be influenced by personal biases and perceptions. Additionally, while it provides a framework for analysis, it doesn’t offer direct solutions to problems. There’s also a risk of oversimplifying complex situations, particularly when multiple interacting forces are involved. Despite these limitations, it remains a valuable tool for understanding and managing change.


Picture of Daniel Croft

Daniel Croft

Daniel Croft is a seasoned continuous improvement manager with a Black Belt in Lean Six Sigma. With over 10 years of real-world application experience across diverse sectors, Daniel has a passion for optimizing processes and fostering a culture of efficiency. He's not just a practitioner but also an avid learner, constantly seeking to expand his knowledge. Outside of his professional life, Daniel has a keen Investing, statistics and knowledge-sharing, which led him to create the website www.learnleansigma.com, a platform dedicated to Lean Six Sigma and process improvement insights.

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