What is Benchmarking

Guide: Benchmarking

Benchmarking is a process of comparing business processes and performance metrics to industry bests and best practices from other companies to improve performance.
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Author: Daniel Croft

Daniel Croft is an experienced continuous improvement manager with a Lean Six Sigma Black Belt and a Bachelor's degree in Business Management. With more than ten years of experience applying his skills across various industries, Daniel specializes in optimizing processes and improving efficiency. His approach combines practical experience with a deep understanding of business fundamentals to drive meaningful change.

Guide: Benchmarking

Benchmarking is a useful strategy for business, technology, and research, offering a structured approach for organizations to elevate their processes, products, or services. This method involves a meticulous comparison with industry leaders or competitors, not just to gauge one’s standing but to absorb and implement higher-level practices.

Such proactive approachs creates path for substantial improvements in both processes and strategies. For example, an automaker looking to advance in electric vehicles might benchmark against Tesla, analyzing and learning from their technological, manufacturing, and sales strategies to boost their own innovation and market competitiveness.

What is Benchmarking?

Benchmarking is a helpful strategy used in areas such as business, technology, and research. Benchmarking is a process that involves evaluating your business processes, products, or services and comparing them with those of industry leaders or competitors. These comparisons help to assess your business’s current performance levels and identify where improvements need to be made.

The aim of benchmarking is not just to understand where you stack up compared to others but also to learn from those who are performing at a higher level. This can lead to significant improvements in your processes and strategies.

A traditional automaker seeking to innovate in electric vehicles (EVs) might benchmark Tesla. They would analyze Tesla’s battery technology, manufacturing processes, and direct-to-consumer sales model. Understanding Tesla’s strengths in these areas could inform the automaker’s strategies in EV development, production efficiency, and market positioning, leading to enhanced competitiveness and innovation in their own EV offerings.

Types of Benchmarking

Types of Benchmarking

Internal Benchmarking

This type is about comparing different departments, teams, or locations within the same organization. It helps in identifying best practices that are already being implemented in one part of the organization, which could be replicated in others. This is particularly useful in large organizations with multiple branches or departments.

External Benchmarking

In external benchmarking, the comparison is made with organizations outside of your own industry. This can be a source of innovative ideas and practices that have not yet been implemented in your industry. It encourages out-of-the-box thinking and may lead to significant breakthroughs.

Process Benchmarking

Demonstrates how top-performing companies accomplish the specific process in question. Such benchmarking is collected via research, surveys, interviews, and site visits. By identifying how others perform the same functional task or objective, people gain insight and ideas they may not otherwise achieve. Such information affirms and supports decision-making by executives.

Performance Benchmarking

Performance metrics give numerical standards against which a client’s processes can be compared. These metrics are usually determined via a detailed and carefully analysed survey or interview. Clients can then identify performance gaps, prioritize action items, and conduct follow-up studies to determine methods of improvement.

Strategic Benchmarking

Identify the fundamental lessons and winning strategies that have enabled high-performing companies to be successful in their marketplaces. Strategic benchmarking examines how companies compete and is ideal for corporations with a long-term perspective.

The Benchmarking Process

The benchmarking process requires some careful planning to ensure it is done effectively. Consider the step-by-step guide below to ensure you get the most out of conducting benchmarking.

Step 1: Identifying What to Benchmark

The first step is to decide exactly what you want to benchmark. This could be a specific process, product feature, service quality, or performance metric. The key is to choose aspects that are critical to your organization’s success and are measurable. For instance, a company might choose to benchmark its customer service response time, manufacturing efficiency, or product innovation.

Step 2: Choosing Benchmarking Partners

Once you’ve identified what to benchmark, the next step is to select appropriate benchmarking partners. These could be direct competitors, industry leaders, or any organization renowned for excellence in the area you’re interested in. The choice of partners will significantly impact the relevance and usefulness of the benchmarking data. For a comprehensive analysis, it’s often beneficial to include a mix of direct competitors and best-in-class companies in related fields.

Step 3: Data Collection

This step involves gathering data on the chosen benchmarks. This data can come from a variety of sources, including public-domain information, industry reports, surveys, interviews, and direct observations. The aim is to collect accurate and relevant data that provides a clear picture of how your benchmarking partners operate and perform in the areas of interest.

Step 4: Data Analysis

With the data in hand, the next step is to analyze it to identify performance gaps and areas where your partners excel. This analysis should not only focus on quantitative metrics but also qualitative aspects like operational practices, strategies, and techniques. The goal is to gain a deep understanding of why these organizations are successful in certain areas and what can be learned from them.

Step 5: Developing Improvement Plans

Based on the insights gained from the data analysis, the next step is to develop plans for how you can improve your processes or performance metrics. These plans should be specific, actionable, and aligned with your organization’s overall strategy and goals. They might involve adopting new technologies, changing operational procedures, or retraining staff.

Step 6: Implementation and Monitoring

After developing the improvement plans, the next phase is to implement these changes. Implementation should be systematic and may require pilot testing before full-scale roll-out. Once implemented, it’s crucial to monitor the changes to ensure they are yielding the desired results. This might involve setting up new performance metrics and regularly reviewing progress against these metrics.

Using Benchmarking Results

Communicate Findings: Share the insights and findings with key stakeholders within your organization. This ensures transparency and helps in securing buy-in for the changes proposed.

Set Realistic Goals: Use the insights from the benchmarking process to set achievable and measurable improvement goals. These goals should challenge the organization but also be attainable.

Implement Changes Gradually: It’s usually more effective to phase in changes gradually rather than attempting a complete overhaul all at once. This allows for adjustments and fine-tuning as the implementation progresses.

Foster a Culture of Continuous Improvement: Encourage a mindset across the organization that sees continuous improvement as a core value. This helps in making benchmarking a regular part of organizational strategy rather than a one-off exercise.

Re-Benchmarking: Regularly revisit the benchmarking process to ensure that the improvements are sustained and to identify new areas for improvement. Business environments and best practices are always evolving, so continuous re-benchmarking is crucial.

Where to Find Best Practices

Industry Reports and Publications: Many industries are supported by a wealth of publications and reports, which are instrumental in showcasing best practices and setting industry standards. These resources, often produced by leading research firms or industry-specific publications, provide comprehensive insights into effective practices, emerging trends, and benchmarking data. Regularly reviewing these publications can keep you informed about the latest developments and success strategies in your field.

Trade Associations and Conferences: Trade associations play a pivotal role in bringing together professionals from specific industries. They frequently organize conferences, seminars, and workshops where leaders and innovators share their knowledge and experiences. Attending these events or accessing their resources can be a rich source of best practices. These platforms not only provide the latest industry insights but also offer opportunities for networking and direct interaction with industry experts.

Academic Research and Case Studies: Universities and research institutions are foundational in generating new knowledge and insights. They often conduct in-depth studies and publish case studies that highlight best practices in various industries. These academic resources are particularly valuable for understanding the theoretical underpinnings of successful strategies and for gaining insights from rigorous, research-based analyses.

Another place to gain benchmarking information is with Google Scholar, but it can sometimes be difficult to find recent information that is industry-specific.

Consultants and Industry Experts: Consulting with professionals who specialize in your field can provide tailored insights into best practices. These experts, with their extensive experience and exposure to various organizations, can offer unique perspectives and advice that are directly applicable to your specific challenges. Engaging with consultants can be particularly beneficial when seeking to implement complex strategies or when venturing into new areas of business.

Online Databases and Platforms: The digital age has ushered in a plethora of online resources. Many websites and databases are dedicated to specific industries, offering a wealth of information, including benchmarking data and best practices. These online platforms are easily accessible and can be a convenient way to stay updated with the latest industry trends and success strategies.

Networking with Peers: Building and maintaining a professional network is invaluable. Engaging with peers through networking events or online forums such as industry-specific groups can provide practical insights into effective practices. These interactions often lead to the sharing of firsthand experiences and strategies that have been successful in similar business environments.

Social Media and Professional Forums: Platforms like LinkedIn and other professional forums have become increasingly important in the sharing of knowledge and best practices. Professionals on these platforms often share case studies, success stories, and strategic insights. By following industry leaders, joining relevant groups, and participating in discussions, you can gain access to a broad range of perspectives and best practices that are current and relevant to your industry.


In conclusion, benchmarking is a continuous process that necessitates a keen understanding of where to seek and how to apply best practices. It goes beyond simple comparison, embodying a culture of perpetual learning and improvement.

By carefully identifying, analyzing, and implementing the strategies and processes of leading entities, organizations can not only bridge performance gaps but also foster a culture of ongoing excellence and innovation. Whether through industry reports, academic research, expert consultations, or networking, the quest for best practices in benchmarking is a journey towards sustained excellence and adaptability in an ever-evolving business landscape.


A: Benchmarking is the process of comparing and evaluating an organization’s performance, processes, or products against those of its competitors or industry leaders to identify areas for improvement and best practices.

A: Benchmarking helps organizations identify gaps in performance, discover innovative ideas and best practices, set realistic goals, and improve overall performance and competitiveness. It allows organizations to learn from others and make informed decisions based on industry standards.

A: There are four main types of benchmarking: internal benchmarking (comparing processes within the same organization), competitive benchmarking (comparing performance against direct competitors), functional benchmarking (comparing specific functions or processes with organizations in different industries), and generic benchmarking (comparing processes or performance with unrelated organizations).

A: The benchmarking process typically involves the following steps: identify what to benchmark, gather data and information, analyze and compare performance, determine performance gaps, establish goals and targets, develop an action plan, implement improvements, and monitor progress.

A: When selecting benchmarking partners, organizations should consider factors such as industry relevance, similarity in processes or functions, willingness to share information, reputation, and accessibility of data. It is beneficial to collaborate with organizations that have demonstrated excellence in areas of interest.


Picture of Daniel Croft

Daniel Croft

Daniel Croft is a seasoned continuous improvement manager with a Black Belt in Lean Six Sigma. With over 10 years of real-world application experience across diverse sectors, Daniel has a passion for optimizing processes and fostering a culture of efficiency. He's not just a practitioner but also an avid learner, constantly seeking to expand his knowledge. Outside of his professional life, Daniel has a keen Investing, statistics and knowledge-sharing, which led him to create the website www.learnleansigma.com, a platform dedicated to Lean Six Sigma and process improvement insights.

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