What is WBS

Guide: Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

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Author: Daniel Croft

Daniel Croft is an experienced continuous improvement manager with a Lean Six Sigma Black Belt and a Bachelor's degree in Business Management. With more than ten years of experience applying his skills across various industries, Daniel specializes in optimizing processes and improving efficiency. His approach combines practical experience with a deep understanding of business fundamentals to drive meaningful change.

Guide: Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

The Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) is a key tool used in project management, offering a systematic way to organize and delineate a project into manageable segments. This hierarchical framework efficiently dissects the entire project scope into smaller, more feasible components, aiding in the clear visualization and execution of tasks.

Central to its function is the ability to transform a project’s initial concept or vision into concrete and actionable steps, ensuring that each phase of the project is methodically planned and executed. By compartmentalizing complex tasks into simpler “work packages,” the WBS streamlines project management processes such as scheduling, budgeting, and resource allocation, leading to more effective project outcomes.

What is Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

The Work Breakdown Structure is an essential tool in project management, designed to organize a project’s work into distinct, manageable sections. It can be viewed as a hierarchical framework, breaking down the entire scope of a project into smaller, more digestible components. This decomposition is carried out by the project team with the goal of fulfilling the project objectives and producing the required deliverables.

At its core, the WBS is a method of translating the initial concept or vision of a project into tangible and actionable steps. It starts at the highest level with the project itself and systematically breaks down the work into smaller elements. These elements, often referred to as “work packages,” are easier to oversee, assign, and manage.

A well-constructed WBS provides a clear picture of what is needed to complete a project. It serves as a roadmap, guiding the project team through each phase of work. Importantly, it forms the basis for many critical project management activities, such as scheduling, budgeting, and resource allocation. By offering a structured approach to project planning, the WBS enables more accurate forecasting and a higher likelihood of project success.

Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

Developing a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

Step 1: Defining Project Goals and Objectives

The foundation of a Work Breakdown Structure is a clear understanding of the project’s goals and objectives. This clarity is essential as it directs the entire process of breaking down the project work. Defining goals and objectives involves identifying what the project aims to achieve, the problem it solves, or the opportunity it exploits. These goals and objectives must be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). This step ensures that the WBS aligns with the project’s intended outcomes and provides a focused scope.

Step 2: Identifying Major Deliverables

After establishing the project’s goals, the next step is to identify the major deliverables. Deliverables are the tangible or intangible outputs of the project. This identification involves listing the high-level results or products that the project is expected to produce. These deliverables are typically broad categories of work and form the top-tier elements of the WBS. For instance, in a construction project, major deliverables could include design, procurement, construction, and commissioning. This step is crucial for structuring the WBS around the key outputs of the project. 

Step 3: Decomposing Deliverables into Smaller Components

The identified deliverables are then broken down into smaller, more manageable components. This decomposition involves splitting each deliverable into its constituent parts or tasks. This process is iterative and continues until the work packages are defined at a level where they can be easily managed, estimated, and assigned. The aim is to reach a granularity that facilitates clear assignment of responsibilities, resource allocation, and progress tracking. For example, the ‘construction’ deliverable in a building project can be decomposed into ‘foundation work,’ ‘structural work,’ ‘roofing,’ etc.

Step 4: Assigning Identification Codes

To enhance the organization and tracking of the WBS elements, each component is assigned a unique identification code. These codes, often alphanumeric, help in easily referencing, organizing, and managing the various elements of the WBS. The coding system also supports project managers and teams in locating specific items within the WBS, aiding in communication and reporting.

Step 5: Developing the WBS Dictionary

Accompanying the visual representation of the WBS is the WBS dictionary. This document provides detailed descriptions of each element within the WBS. It typically includes information about the scope of work, deliverables, specific activities, and responsibilities associated with each element. The WBS dictionary is an essential tool for ensuring that all team members and stakeholders have a common understanding of what each element of the WBS entails. It also serves as a reference document that can be consulted throughout the project lifecycle for guidance and clarification.

Best Practices in WBS Development

Focus on Outcomes, Not Actions

A pivotal best practice in developing a Work Breakdown Structure is to focus on outcomes or deliverables rather than the specific actions or processes to achieve these outcomes. This approach ensures that the WBS is aligned with the end goals of the project. Focusing on deliverables helps in clearly defining what the project is expected to produce, rather than how it should be done. This delineation is crucial as it allows for flexibility in the methods used to achieve these outcomes, catering to possible changes or adjustments in project execution. Moreover, it ensures that all team members have a common understanding of what success looks like for the project.

Involve the Project Team

Involving the project team in the WBS development is essential for capturing a wide range of perspectives and expertise. The team members, often being specialists in their respective areas, can provide valuable insights into the specifics of tasks and potential challenges. Their involvement ensures a more comprehensive and realistic breakdown of the work. Furthermore, engaging the team in this early stage of project planning fosters a sense of ownership and commitment to the project objectives. It also helps in identifying any overlooked aspects of the project, ensuring a more thorough and effective WBS.

Use a Standardized Approach

Employing a standardized approach or template for developing the WBS can greatly enhance consistency and efficiency. This is particularly beneficial for organizations that handle multiple projects, as it ensures a uniform structure and language across all projects. Standardization aids in easier understanding and comparison of projects and streamlines the planning process. It also reduces the time and effort required to create a WBS from scratch for each new project. Standardized templates can be customized as needed, but they provide a solid starting point and ensure that essential elements are not missed.

Verify Completeness and Accuracy

Ensuring the completeness and accuracy of the WBS is critical. This verification process involves reviewing the WBS to confirm that it accurately represents all aspects of the project and that no critical elements have been omitted. Incomplete or inaccurate WBS can lead to unanticipated issues during project execution, such as scope creep, missed deadlines, or budget overruns. Regular reviews and updates of the WBS, especially in response to project changes, are vital to maintain its relevance and usefulness as a project management tool.


In conclusion, the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) is an indispensable tool in project management, significantly enhancing the planning and execution of a project. It provides a structured methodology for breaking down the project into smaller, manageable units, thus ensuring a clear understanding and efficient handling of the project’s scope.

The development of a WBS involves a series of steps, including defining project goals, identifying major deliverables, decomposing these deliverables, assigning identification codes, and developing a comprehensive WBS dictionary. By focusing on outcomes, involving the project team, adopting a standardized approach, and verifying completeness and accuracy, the WBS emerges as a robust framework. It not only aids in clear communication and alignment among stakeholders but also ensures that the project adheres to its defined path, mitigating risks and enhancing the likelihood of its success.


A: A Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) is a project management tool that breaks down the total scope of a project into smaller, manageable parts. It organizes and defines the total work scope of the project by dividing it into hierarchical levels, ultimately simplifying project planning and execution.

A: A WBS is crucial because it helps in organizing and defining the scope of the project, simplifies task management, aids in resource allocation, cost estimation, and risk management. It ensures that all aspects of the project are clearly understood and managed effectively.

A: A WBS should be detailed enough to cover all aspects of the project but not so detailed that it becomes unwieldy or too complex to manage. The lowest level of the WBS, the work package, should contain tasks that can be scheduled, cost estimated, monitored, and controlled.

A: Yes, a WBS can be modified as the project progresses. Changes may be necessary due to evolving project requirements, unforeseen challenges, or to incorporate new information. However, any changes should be carefully managed to avoid scope creep and ensure the project stays on track.

A: No, WBS can be used for projects of any size. While it is particularly beneficial for large and complex projects, smaller projects can also benefit from the structure and clarity that a WBS provides.


Picture of Daniel Croft

Daniel Croft

Daniel Croft is a seasoned continuous improvement manager with a Black Belt in Lean Six Sigma. With over 10 years of real-world application experience across diverse sectors, Daniel has a passion for optimizing processes and fostering a culture of efficiency. He's not just a practitioner but also an avid learner, constantly seeking to expand his knowledge. Outside of his professional life, Daniel has a keen Investing, statistics and knowledge-sharing, which led him to create the website www.learnleansigma.com, a platform dedicated to Lean Six Sigma and process improvement insights.

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