What are some idea generation techniques

Guide: Idea Generation Techniques

Discover seven dynamic idea-generation methods to foster innovation in your business. From brainstorming to the 5 Whys Technique, unlock creative solutions and propel your team toward groundbreaking success.
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Daniel Croft

Daniel Croft is an experienced continuous improvement manager with a Lean Six Sigma Black Belt and a Bachelor's degree in Business Management. With more than ten years of experience applying his skills across various industries, Daniel specializes in optimizing processes and improving efficiency. His approach combines practical experience with a deep understanding of business fundamentals to drive meaningful change.

Idea generation is key to creativity and a vital activity across various disciplines including business, education, art, and science. This process is not just about creating a single groundbreaking idea; rather, it’s about generating a multitude of ideas, each with the potential to be refined and assessed for practicality and impact.

By not limiting your self to traditional brainstorming, idea generation contains a broad range of techniques and approaches aimed at nurturing creativity and innovation. It is important in developing new business strategies and solving complex problems. Understanding and using this process is fundamental to unlocking creative potential, both individually or within a group setting.

Table of Contents

What is Idea Generation

Idea generation is a key part of the creative process, integral to various fields such as business, education, art, science, and more. It involves generating new ideas, a process that can be both spontaneous and systematic. 

The process of idea generation is often associated with brainstorming, but it encompasses a much broader range of techniques and approaches. It’s about fostering creativity and innovation, whether in a solitary thinker or within a collaborative group setting. In business, idea generation is important for product development, marketing strategies, and problem-solving. In academia, it fuels research and stimulates intellectual curiosity. For artists, it’s the backbone of artistic expression and innovation.

The Foundation of Creativity

Understanding Creativity

Before getting into specific idea generation techniques, it’s important to have a clear understanding of what creativity is. Creativity is commonly defined as the ability to produce something that is both original and valuable. It’s about seeing things in new ways, making connections between seemingly unrelated phenomena, and coming up with solutions to problems.Creativity and Idea Generation

Creativity is not just an inherent talentthat you are either born with or not; it’s also a skill that can be developed and encouraged over time. It’s false to believe that creativity is exclusive to certain ‘creative individuals.’ In reality, everyone has the potential to be creative in their own way.

Developing creativity just like any skill involves practising and refining the ability to think outside the box and challenge conventional wisdom. It requires a willingness to experiment, take risks, and potentially fail, as failure often leads to deeper understanding and new insights.

Creating the Right Environment

The environment, both physical and psychological, plays a significant role in facilitating idea generation. A conducive environment is one that encourages creativity and allows ideas to flow freely.

  • Physical Environment: This refers to the tangible surroundings where idea generation takes place. Comfort is key; an environment that is physically comfortable and free from distractions can significantly enhance creative thinking. This might mean a quiet room, a busy café, a peaceful garden, or anywhere that supports focused and uninterrupted thought.

  • Psychological Environment: Equally important is the psychological environment. This contains the mental and emotional state that encourages open-mindedness and the free flow of ideas. It’s important to foster an atmosphere where there is no fear of judgment or ridicule when proposing unconventional or unpolished ideas. In group settings, this involves establishing trust and respect among participants, encouraging diversity of thought, and ensuring that all voices are heard. In a solitary setting, it means giving oneself the permission to think freely and boldly, without self-censorship or undue criticism.

In our experience businesses that have had success with idea generation in identifying solutions to problems often have a room that is dedicated to continuous improvement and facilitating a supportive environment where employees are encouraged to come up with ideas and solutions to problems in aid of continuous improvement. 

Creating the right environment for creativity means considering both the physical and psychological aspects. It’s about finding or creating a space where one feels inspired, comfortable, and free to explore ideas without constraints.

Techniques for Idea Generation


Brainstorming-7-Methods-LearnleansigmaBrainstorming is one of the most popular and widely used techniques for idea generation. It involves gathering a cross-functional group of people and encouraging them to come up with as many ideas as possible within a set period. The key principle of brainstorming is the suspension of judgment: no idea is too outlandish, and criticism is not allowed during the brainstorming session. This freedom allows participants to think more openly and creatively, leading to a diverse range of ideas.

The effectiveness of brainstorming lies in its collaborative nature. It builds on the collective experience and creativity of the group, often leading to ideas that an individual working alone might not conceive. The process can also build on the ideas of others, resulting in more refined and innovative concepts. However, it’s important to follow up a brainstorming session with an evaluation phase, where ideas are critically assessed and developed further.

That can often lead to many ideas that can be generated and should then be reviewed and prioritised in terms of focus, usually with an impact and effort of each idea, ensuring focus on the quick wins first.

Mind Mapping

mind mapMind mapping is a technique that visually structures information, helping to analyze, comprehend, synthesize, recall, and generate new ideas. It is particularly useful for organizing thoughts around a central theme or problem.

To create a mind map, you start with the central idea or problem in the middle of the page and branch out into major sub-topics, and then into more specific details. Mind maps can include words, phrases, and images and often use color to enhance the visual impact and aid memory. This method not only aids in generating new ideas but also in organizing and connecting existing ones, making it easier to see relationships and potential solutions that might not be apparent in a traditional, linear format.

Take a look at our guide on Mind Mapping to learn more about the mind mapping process.


SCAMPER is an acronym that stands for Substitute, Combine, Adapt, Modify, Put to another use, Eliminate, and Reverse. It’s a checklist tool that helps you to think of changes you can make to an existing market product to create a new one. Each letter in SCAMPER stands for a different way you can play with the attributes of a product and ask questions about it.


For example, you might ask “What can I substitute to make an improvement?” or “What can I combine this with to make something better?” SCAMPER is particularly effective for refining and improving existing products, services, or processes, but it can also inspire new and innovative ideas.

The Six Thinking Hats

Six Thinking Hats Developed by Edward de Bono, the Six Thinking Hats technique is a powerful tool for group discussion and individual thinking. It involves looking at a problem from six distinct perspectives, which are represented by different colored hats:

  1. White Hat: Focusing on the available data and facts.
  2. Red Hat: Looking at the problem using intuition, gut reaction, and emotion.
  3. Black Hat: Considering the negative aspects – why something may not work.
  4. Yellow Hat: Positively, looking for benefits and value.
  5. Green Hat: Creative thinking, possibilities, alternatives, and new ideas.
  6. Blue Hat: Managing the thinking process, ensuring that the Six Hats guidelines are observed.

This method is particularly useful in ensuring that a variety of perspectives are considered, making it a comprehensive approach to problem-solving and idea generation.

The Five Whys

5 Whys Analysis TreeThe Five Whys is a simple but powerful tool for uncovering the root cause of a problem. You start by stating the problem and then ask “why” it is occurring. Each answer forms the basis of the next “why” question. This process is repeated until you reach the underlying cause, which is often more profound than the initial surface-level issue.

While primarily a problem-solving tool, the Five Whys can also be used to delve deeper into an idea or concept, helping to understand its core and potentially revealing new avenues for exploration.

SWOT Analysis

SWOT-Analysis-LearnleansigmaSWOT Analysis is a strategic planning tool that stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. It’s typically used to assess the viability of a business idea or project but can be adapted for general idea generation.

By analyzing the strengths and weaknesses (internal factors) and the opportunities and threats (external factors) related to an idea, you can gain comprehensive insights into its potential. This analysis can help refine the idea, identify areas for improvement, and uncover new angles or approaches.

Role Storming 

Finally, Role storming is a technique where participants take on different roles or personas and generate ideas from these perspectives. It’s a variation of brainstorming that can be particularly effective in unlocking new and unconventional ideas.

By thinking and responding as someone else (e.g., a customer, a competitor, a famous inventor, or even an object), participants can free themselves from their own constraints and usual patterns of thinking. This can lead to more creative and diverse ideas, as it encourages looking at problems and solutions from entirely new angles.

Collaborative Techniques

Collaborative techniques are essential in group settings where diverse perspectives can lead to richer idea generation. These methods help in leveraging the collective intelligence of the group while ensuring that all voices are heard, including those of quieter or less dominant members.


BrainwritingBrainwriting is an alternative to the traditional verbal brainstorming method. In brainwriting, participants write down their ideas independently before sharing them with the group. This process typically involves each participant starting with a sheet of paper and writing down one or more ideas. After a set amount of time, each sheet is passed to another participant who reads the existing ideas and adds new ones.

This method is particularly effective for several reasons. First, it avoids the issue of groupthink, where individuals are influenced by dominant voices in a verbal brainstorming session. Second, it ensures that introverted members who might be less comfortable speaking up in a group have an equal opportunity to contribute. Third, it can lead to a more diverse range of ideas, as people have time to think individually before being influenced by others’ thoughts.

Round Robin

Round Robin is a structured method of idea generation where each member of a group takes turns sharing an idea. This continues until everyone has had a chance to contribute or until ideas are exhausted. The key rule in a Round Robin session is that other members listen without interruption or criticism during each person’s turn.

This technique ensures equal participation, giving each team member a designated time to voice their thoughts. It’s particularly useful in preventing dominant personalities from overshadowing quieter members. It also helps in keeping the group focused and can quickly generate a broad range of ideas.

Online Collaboration Tools

In today’s digital age, online collaboration tools play a crucial role in idea generation, especially for remote or distributed teams. These tools can mimic the experience of in-person brainstorming sessions and offer additional functionalities that enhance the process.

Features often include virtual whiteboards for brainstorming, tools for anonymous idea submission, real-time voting systems to gauge the popularity or feasibility of ideas, and categorization features to organize thoughts. These tools allow for a more democratic and organized approach to idea generation, enabling participants from different locations to contribute equally and effectively.

Overcoming Creative Blocks

Overcoming creative blocksTaking Breaks

One of the most effective ways to overcome a creative block is to take a break from the problem at hand. This could mean stepping away for a few minutes, hours, or even days. Breaks allow the mind to rest and reset, often leading to fresh perspectives and renewed energy upon returning to the task. This is partly due to the way our subconscious mind continues to process problems even when we’re not actively thinking about them.

Change of Scenery

Changing environment can have a significant impact on creativity. A new setting can stimulate the senses and the mind in different ways, leading to new ideas. This could be as simple as moving to a different room, working from a café, or spending time outdoors. The key is to find an environment that feels different from the usual workspace and is conducive to creative thinking.

Seeking Inspiration

Sometimes, the best ideas come from outside one’s usual field of work or expertise. Seeking inspiration in unrelated fields or activities can provide fresh perspectives and unexpected connections. This could involve reading a book on a completely different subject, listening to music, watching a movie, or engaging in a hobby. The goal is to expose the mind to diverse stimuli, which can then be turned into new and innovative ideas.


Idea generation is a multifaceted and dynamic process, pivotal in fostering creativity and innovation in various fields. From brainstorming to more structured techniques like SCAMPER and the Six Thinking Hats, each method offers unique pathways to stimulate thought and inspire creativity. In group settings, collaborative techniques like brainwriting and round robin ensure inclusive participation, tapping into the collective intelligence of diverse individuals.

Additionally, overcoming creative blocks through breaks, changes in scenery, or seeking external inspiration further enhances the idea generation process. Ultimately, the successful cultivation of ideas relies on creating the right environment and employing a blend of these techniques, tailored to the specific needs and contexts of individuals or teams. This comprehensive approach to idea generation not only fosters creativity but also paves the way for groundbreaking innovations and solutions.


  • No References

A: Idea generation is the process of creating, developing, and communicating new ideas. It is a crucial part of the creative process, essential in various fields such as business, education, art, and science. Idea generation can be both spontaneous and systematic and involves more than just brainstorming; it includes a range of techniques and approaches to foster creativity and innovation in both individual and group settings.

A: In business, idea generation is vital for continuous growth and competitiveness. It leads to the development of new products, services, and strategies, improving problem-solving and fostering innovation. Effective idea generation can result in better customer experiences, increased efficiency, and the discovery of new market opportunities.

A: Improving creativity involves practicing thinking outside the box, taking risks, and being open to failure and learning from it. It also means exposing yourself to new experiences, seeking inspiration from diverse sources, and continually challenging your existing viewpoints. Additionally, creating a conducive environment for creativity—both physically and psychologically—can significantly enhance your creative thinking.

A: Effective techniques include brainstorming, mind mapping, the SCAMPER method, the Six Thinking Hats, the Five Whys, SWOT analysis, and role storming. Each of these techniques offers a unique approach to generate ideas, from exploring different perspectives to modifying existing concepts or systematically analyzing a problem.

A: Brainwriting involves participants writing down ideas independently before sharing them with the group, which helps in generating a diverse range of ideas and avoids the influence of groupthink. Round Robin is a structured method where each group member takes turns sharing ideas, ensuring equal participation and preventing dominance by louder voices in the group.


Picture of Daniel Croft

Daniel Croft

Daniel Croft is a seasoned continuous improvement manager with a Black Belt in Lean Six Sigma. With over 10 years of real-world application experience across diverse sectors, Daniel has a passion for optimizing processes and fostering a culture of efficiency. He's not just a practitioner but also an avid learner, constantly seeking to expand his knowledge. Outside of his professional life, Daniel has a keen Investing, statistics and knowledge-sharing, which led him to create the website learnleansigma.com, a platform dedicated to Lean Six Sigma and process improvement insights.

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