Stakeholder Prioritization Matrix Template - Feature Image - Learnleansigma

Stakeholder Priortization Matrix Template

Stakeholder Prioritization Matrix Template - Feature Image - Learnleansigma

Stakeholder Prioritization Matrix Template

Our free download Stakeholder Prioritization Matrix template is a simple and effective tool for ranking stakeholders based on their level of impact and interest in a project. This Excel template allows you to easily assess the level of impact and interest of each stakeholder and prioritize them based on their importance to the project. The template includes a matrix that plots stakeholders on a grid based on their level of power (ability to influence the project) and their level of interest in the project. Simply input the stakeholders and their corresponding impact and interest levels, to map out the stakeholders. This template is a helpful resource for managing stakeholder expectations and ensuring that the needs and concerns of the most important stakeholders are addressed. Download it now for free and start prioritizing your stakeholders today!


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