Category: Process Mapping

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Power Strategies for Business Process Redesign

Business Process Redesign (BPR) is a powerful approach for transforming and streamlining operations, resulting in increased efficiency, cost savings, and improved performance. This blog post delves into the concept of BPR and offers valuable insights…

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Value Stream Mapping - Feature Image - LearnLeanSigma

Value Stream Mapping (VSM)

What is Value Stream Mapping? Value Stream Mapping (VSM) is a lean methodology used to analyse and design the flow of materials and information in a manufacturing or service process. The goal is to identify…

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Process Mapping

Process Mapping Basics

This article discusses the concept of a process, which is a sequence of actions, tasks, or steps that transform and add value to inputs and produce an output such as a product or service. Multiple…

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Scoping projects with SIPOC

In Lean Six Sigma projects a range of process maps can be used for a variety of reasons. Each process map assists in understanding the flow of activities in the process and visualising how the…

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Free Lean Six Sigma Templates

Improve your Lean Six Sigma projects with our free templates. They're designed to make implementation and management easier, helping you achieve better results.